Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) can offer some very unique takes on otherwise inanimate subjects. Ancient western red cedars on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

The Grove
A grove of western red cedars not far from Port Renfrew on the west coast of Vancouver Island

The Western Wall
An impenetrable wall of western red cedar not far from the west coast of Vancouver Island

Old Growth Winter
Afresh snowfall covers an ancient forest on the west coast of Vancouver Island from above.

A stand of old-growth western red cedar in an unprotected cut block on the west coast of Vancouver Island

Beyond Eden
An unprotected old-growth forest not far from Eden Grove located on Vancouver Island.

There is Hope Yet
Canadas second tallest tree ‘Lonely Doug’ stands alone surrounded by the aftermath of clearcut logging. Logging is engrained into the culture of British Columbia and I would be foolish to believe that the economy would thrive without it. However, with only 5% of old-growth forests left in British Columbia, it is obvious that logging ancient forests is not sustainable nor is it economically viable in the long run. Poor forest management has lead to not only our ancient forests disappearing but also the forest industry and the lands surrounding these communities. Governments continue to use words such as family, community, jobs, sustainability, economic growth but have continually shown us that their words are nothing but words and all of the above continue to disappear because of their ineptness to grasp reality.

Worth Saving
A good size western red cedar located in an unprotected cut block not far from the town of Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island

The Chaos Within
A chaotic grouping of fallen trees in an old-growth forest on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

The boardwalk that runs through part of Carmanah Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Forest Stages
A group of ancient western red cedars in various stages of growth and decay on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Ancient Realm
An abstract view of a group of ancient Western Red Cedars on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Amongst the Cedars
A grove of western red cedars on the west coast of Vancouver Island not far from Port Renfrew.

Eden Grove
Under threat of logging, Eden Grove is just a small section of old-growth forest left on the west coast of Vancouver Island.