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Join me for a four-day adventure into one of the last remaining stands of ancient forest left in North America
The Stoltman Grove
Carmanah Provincial Park, Vancouver Island - 4 Days
April 29th-May 3rd, 2025 - 4 Participants Total
(4 spots)
USD 1450
Carmanah is one of the best and last stands of old-growth forest on Vancouver Island's west coast. However, getting a group of photographers to Carmanah can be challenging due to the long trip and lack of nearby facilities.
This tour begins in Nanaimo, with a morning pickup on the 29th. Our first day will be spent travelling to Carmanah Provincial Park. Although the logging road into the park is lengthy, we'll have plenty of opportunities to stop and explore roadside rainforest attractions along the way.
Upon reaching Carmanah, we'll set up camp and dedicate the next three days to exploring and photographing Carmanah Valley, including the world's largest Western Red Cedar, the Cheewhat Giant. On the morning of the 3rd, we'll pack up and return to Nanaimo to bid farewell.
Camping gear will be provided, including tents, pads, and stoves. Guests are responsible for sleeping bags, food, and meal preparation. This tour involves hiking hills and camping in tents, so please consider this before signing up. Facilities are limited to basic outhouses.
2023 Workshop
Important! Please note, In the event of a cancellation there is limited refund. Photography Booking Policy, please read.
What’s Included:
Transportation to and from Carmanah
Camping Equipment (except sleeping bag)
Photography instruction with Adam Gibbs
What’s not Included:
Transportation to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island
Sleeping Bag
Accommodation before and after the workshop
Medical and travel insurance
Food during the trip
More Information….
Where is Carmanah Provincial Park?
Carmanah Provincial Park lies on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island, roughly 3 hrs from the city of Nanaimo.
The route to Carmanah
How hard will the hiking be? PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT!
Hiking? Who said anything about hiking? Yes, we will be walking to all locations. The distances are typically no more than a couple of kilometres. However, all locations require a walk, including a steep hill of roughly 200m elevation and slippery wooden walkways. If you have mobility problems, this is not a trip for you.
What camera gear should I bring?
The following are some recommendations. Generally, we will be focusing primarily on landscape photography but may encounter some wildlife shooting opportunities. Ideally, since we will be hiking throughout the day and carrying our gear, equipment should be kept to a minimum. Here is a list of what we typically carry in the field. A more detailed "what to bring" list will be sent to you before the workshop. If you shoot wildlife and own or use a considerable lens, you are welcome to bring it.
Camera Equipment:
Lightweight tripod w/ball head
Camera backpack
DSLR camera body
14-24mm lens
24-120mm lens
70-200mm lens
Various ND filters/polarizers/holders for all lenses
2 extra batteries
Lens pen/lens cloth
lens shade
Other items that should make your day more comfortable on the coast. Either worn or put in your pack for the day.
Rubber boots or waterproof hiking boots
Long pants
Brimmed hat
Warm jacket
Rain jacket
Optional items: