Holding on


Holding on

from $199.00

Again over five days, I kept returning to this scene. I just couldn’t get enough of it and really wanted to convey it the best that I could. The big problem was not only capturing a sharp image but also one that eliminated as many distractions as possible. While the conditions were exceptional in this area, the wind was annoyingly constant, and it was hard to keep all of the elements in sharp focus. The other problem was that if I used a fast shutter speed to capture the movement of the small branch, the ripples and reflections in the water rendered sharp as well that to my eye were a distraction. Luckily after many visits, I was able to get everything sharp and the water blurry enough all in one shot. Often in these situations, the best thing that you can do is have patience and wait as long as possible for the right conditions. Occasionally persistence pays off.

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